For Sale - Hardwood Charcoal

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Product: Hardwood Charcoal
Quantity: 80 tons
Moisture Content: 3%
Ash Content: 3%
Availability: Immediate
Frequency: Recurring
Location: Ukraine
Description/Details: Europe hardwood charcoal supplier. Raw material: oak, beech.
Delivered by truck. 20 tons per 1 truck. Long burning time, high calorification.
Delivering options discussed individually (worldwide).
Packaging: 13-15 kg polypropylene bag, Paper bag - 12-14 kg. Your logo and design on the packaging is optional (not included to price).
Ready to work on regular basis. Free samples.

Dust 7%, burning temperature - 340 C (does not self-ignite), sulfur - 0%
Delivery: Yes